Tech Stack

Operational System

Artix Linux with runit - Daily-driver distro, like Arch but without SoystemD. A great just-werksy alternative is Linux Mint.
Tails OS on Ventoy USB - USB-stick rescue distro, though not needed recently

Basic environment

Xorg with sx - Display server
Dunst - Notification daemon
Xcompmgr - Window compositor
NetworkManager (Hybrid) - Connection manager

Suckless Software

dwm - Window manager/graphical environment
st - Terminal emulator
dmenu - Application launcher and menu
slstatus - Status bar

slstatus config

cmus status

Displays the current song playing on cmus (if running) in the format: "Artist - Song Title ▶️ 0:00-0:00".

{ run_command, "%4s ", "pgrep -x cmus > /dev/null && (cmus-remote -C status | grep -q 'tag artist' && echo \"$(cmus-remote -C status | grep -oP '(?<=tag artist ).*') - $(cmus-remote -C status | grep -oP '(?<=tag title ).*') $(cmus-remote -Q | grep 'status ' | awk '{print $2}' | grep -q 'paused' && echo \"II \" || echo \"▶️\") $(cmus-remote -Q | awk '/position/ {pos=$2} /duration/ {dur=$2} END {printf \"%d:%02d-%d:%02d\\n\", pos/60, pos%60, dur/60, dur%60}')\" || echo \"$(cmus-remote -C status | grep -oP '(?<=file ).*' | sed 's|.*/||; s|\\.[^.]*$||') $(cmus-remote -Q | grep 'status ' | awk '{print $2}' | grep -q 'paused' && echo \"II \" || echo \"▶️\") $(cmus-remote -Q | awk '/position/ {pos=$2} /duration/ {dur=$2} END {printf \"%d:%02d-%d:%02d\\n\", pos/60, pos%60, dur/60, dur%60}')\")" }

Older version

Uses a seperator instead of the playback status and time, as shown in this page's screenshots.

{ run_command, "%4s ", "pgrep -x cmus > /dev/null && (cmus-remote -C status | grep -q 'tag artist' && echo \"$(cmus-remote -C status | grep -oP '(?<=tag artist ).*') - $(cmus-remote -C status | grep -oP '(?<=tag title ).*') |\" || echo \"$(cmus-remote -C status | grep -oP '(?<=file ).*' | sed 's|.*/||; s|\\.[^.]*$||') |\")" },

Network status from networkmanager

Displays network status as:

{ run_command, "%4s ", "nmcli general status | grep -q -w \"connected\" && echo Online || (nmcli general status | grep -q \"connecting\" && echo ... || echo Offline)" },

Sound volume with amixer

Gets volume percentage from amixer

{ run_command, "Vol: %4s ", "amixer sget Master | awk -F\"[][]\" '/%/ { print $2 }' | head -n1" },

Pacman package count

Gets package count from pacman

{ run_command, "Pkg:%4s " , "pacman -Qq | wc -l"},

Full config.h

Default commented-out reference examples redacted.


zsh - User shell
dash - System shell (/bin/sh Symlink)
Neovim (TUI) v0.9.5-6 - Text editor. The color schemes in newer releases suck.

zsh config

By default .zshrc is located at ~/.zshrc along with other zsh configuration files, this command will set ~/.config/zsh as the default directory for zsh configuration: export ZDOTDIR=$HOME/.config/zsh

neovim config


Librewolf (GUI) - Browser. Other interesting options are Luakit, Brave, and Ungoogled Chromium.
4get [Instances] - Metasearch engine, like SearX but much better

Userscripts Violentmonkey - Userscript manager extension
Privacy Redirector - Redirect mainstream sites to privacy frontends. Very minimal compared to full-blown extensions like LibRedirect and Redirector.
Select text inside a link like Opera - Disable link dragging and select text inisde links. You can do the same by holding ALT while selecting text

Add-ons Tridactyl - Vim-like keybinds
uBlock Origin - Ad-blocker. Also allows blocking unwanted elements.
Web Archives - Check archived web pages
Search by Image - Reverse-search images and access images on sites that don’t permit right-clicking to save or view them directly.
User-Agent Switcher - Device spoofer
TWP - For some reason Librewolf won't translate Russian webpages anymore


Turbo Download Manager - Faster downloads? Also allows access to direct download links of files being downloaded
LocalCDN - Third-party tracking protection
I still don't care about cookies - Remove cookie notifications


htop (TUI) - Process and system monitor
fastfetch (CLI) - OS information tool, like neofetch but much better
Syncthing (Hybrid) - File synchronization across devices
dvtm (TUI) [Swindles' build] - Terminal multiplexer

Online Tools

Nicotine+ (GUI) - Sovlseek client. Username: srzit, online only when downloading, though
Newsraft (TUI) - RSS Reader. Might switch to sfeed [1][2] because newsraft occasionally crashes other programs when closing.
transmission-cli (CLI) - Torrent client. A great GUI alternative is qBittorrent.
yt-dlp (CLI) - Despite the name, it gets videos from all DRM-free sites. It also allows mpv to stream videos from more sites.


cmus (TUI) - Music player
mpv (Hybrid) - Video player
nsxiv (Hybrid) - Image viewer
zathura (Hybrid) with muPDF backend - Document viewer

mpv scripts quality-menu - Change streamed video quality, like on YouTube. Simply use the 'F' key binding, don't bother with the OSC/UI stuff.
WebM Maker - Make webm or gif clips from videos. mpv-easycrop [1] also exists but I never tried it.


ImageMagick (CLI) - Krita (GUI) - Image editors. Another great option is GIMP.
groff (CLI) - Document editor. Last time I used LibreOffice was for a slideshow presentation, and I’ve kept it uninstalled since. I’ve also tried suckless sent before, but it’s obviously not ideal for PowerPoint-style presentations. Next time, I might try LaTeX Beamer.
ffmpeg (CLI) - Blender (GUI) - Video editors. I mostly use ffmpeg, but I recently used OpenShot for a meme that required a chroma-key and Blender for another that required key-frames. I think you can do chroma-keying in Blender too, so I uninstalled OpenShot. Another good option is Kdenlive.

F-Droid Classic - Libre App Store
Termux - Terminal emulator
Fossify - FOSS utilities
Fennec - Browser with extensive add-on support.
SD Maid SE - BleachBit's faithful sidekick. This version allows bypassing paid features.
Aurora Store - FOSS Google Play client


K-9 Mail - Email
Quik - SMS
OCR - Get text from images
TIDY - Local image search
OpenCalc - Calculator
FlorisBoard - HeliBoard - Regular Keyboards
Thumb-Key - Keyboard made for your thumbs


QR & Barcode Scanner
Breezy Weather
Organic Maps
Open Camera


Odyssey - Music player
Audire - Identify music
Seeker - Soulseek client
MuPDF - PDF reader
YTDLnis - Android GUI for yt-dlp
LibreTorrent - Torrent client


Open Video Editor (w.i.p) - Video Guru (Non-free) - Video editors
Oojao Image Editor (Non-free) - Image editor

Theming Into The Black Hole - Amoled theme for Firefox-based browsers
sorium - OneeChan Theme
st color scheme (from config.h)
